
Samstag, 10. Mai 2014

How to make a camera lucida?

The instructions “How to make a camera lucida”, written by Tim Hunkin, are very vague.
They do not not fulfill their task to explain how to build a camera lucida. Many important elements of an effective instructional text are missing. At the beginning the author does not provide a  list of items that are needed for the project. Constructing something without a list of what is required can be hard. However, the author tries to illustrate the process of building the camera by providing pictures that show measurements for the materials. Another important element missing is the estimated time for the project. Further on, what is really noticeable when looking at the how-to-guide, is that there are no numbered steps. It is challenging to follow the instructions as they are divided into paragraphs. Although the author explains how to build the camera lucida, he does not provide information on how to build the construct on which the camera should be fixed if used for drawing purposes. Despite containing pictures that could be helpful while building the camera lucida, the instructional text is complicated and makes it hard follow the steps since they are not numbered.

[195 words]

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