
Dienstag, 12. November 2013

The European Year of...


Our topic for SUK3 is the European Union. In class we had to get into groups and write a paragraph about "The European Year of..." Check it out, maybe you will learn something you did not know before.

 The concept of the European Year was first introduced in 1983, and each year since, the EU has picked a 
specific topic to discuss within the member countries of the European Union. The purpose of the European Years is to concentrate and debate on subjects that are currently important to the EU in order to change certain policies to improve the standard of living for its citizens. Each year, a specific theme is proposed by the Commission and approved by the European Parliament. 1997 was named the “European Year against racism and xenophobia”. As a leader in protecting human rights, the EU wanted to raise public awareness of the dangers of racism and xenophobia and stress the importance of equal rights. Languages are of great importance for the EU as well; hence it was proposed to promote them and their impact on our everyday life in form of a “European Year of Languages” in 2001. The aim was to encourage the citizens of the European Union to take interest in learning foreign languages. As a sort of extension to the 2001 project, 2008 was named the „European Year of Intercultural Dialogue“. It was a year of projects, campaigns, debates and festivals all aimed at increasing mutual understanding and dialogue between different cultures. In a nutshell, the European Year focuses on important topics and works towards bringing forth positive changes.

"Each day you learn something new, and just as important, relearn something old." Robert Brault


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