
Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013

My five EU topics!

Hi guys!!

I am BACK! Sumer is over(unfortunately) and I am back to serious business. This blog post is mandatory and the topic is already given so I will not be able to write to you about my summer adventures but I promise I will do so soon. Our task is to choose five topics connected to the EU. Out of those five we will have to choose one for our academic paper. I gave it some thought and these are the ideas I came up with.

1)The role of the EU in the Balkans (Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo)
The European Union has been considering elargement in the Balkans since at least the late 1990s. Slovenia joined it first in 2004. Croatia, my country, joined it on 1 July 2013 and the other ones are on its way, more or less. Since Croatia has been trying to join the EU for more than a decade I am really familiar with the EU and its politics in this region. I am also currently following the situation Serbia is in. 

2) The advantages and disadvantages of joining the EU
What does a country get with joining the EU?  What are the disadvantages of joining it? Fees? What about EU funds?

3) Is the Euro really the future of the EU?
Since the global economic crisis ht the EU in 2008 a common currency brought nothing but trouble to the EU. Maybe Greece would have been better off if they stayed with their drachme. Countries like Spain and Italy requested bailouts. Those countries are too important to the European economy to just let them go bankrupt. For instance Italy, the fourth-largest in Europe and the tenth-largest economy in the world.

4) Why Iceland does not want to join the EU anymore?
For a long time Iceland wanted to join the EU and then suddenly the Government of Iceland has announced it will suspend its application to join the European Union. Why? What happened in Iceland that they decided not to join the EU? I want to take a better look at the reasons why Iceland refused to join the EU.

5) Neo-Nazi parties on the rise in the EU
Neo-Nazi parties are on the rise in the EU again. More and more people in the countries across Europe are protesting about the EU migration policies. They feel as if the immigrants are taking away their jobs and are trying to take over their countries. Also since terrorism has become more and more so, many people are scared that immigrants are going to terrorize their country. Many Neo-Nazi parties are growing in support among the people such the Golden Dawn in Greece, the NPD in Germany or the Front National in France. I think that this topics would be really interesting to research as we all know what happened during the rise of the Nazis in Germany in the 1940s. 


"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."  Martin Luther King, Jr.

4 Kommentare:

Nati's English Adventures hat gesagt…

I find your chosen topics pretty interesting. Especially the one about why Iceland does not want to join the EU any more; at least that would be a paper I'd like to read. Anyway, your 2nd topic could still be a bit more specific. Perhaps you could narrow it down to, for example, what people think of the EU's advantages/disadvantages or economic advantages/disadvantages for Malta...

Unknown hat gesagt…

Anita, your topics are all very original, it would be a pleasure to read about all of them. Though, if I had to choose one, it would be the last topic about the Neo-Nazi movements in Europe. Although it is a massive topic, you could narrow it down in time maybe (for example in the last decade, or something like that.). Brilliant ideas, good luck to the writing! :)
By the way, I love your quote! ;)

anitasworld hat gesagt…

@Nati: Thank you for your comment. About my second topic, I was thinking more of what a country gets with joining the EU and what it has to give up. I wanted to write about countries that still aren’t a part of the EU instead of those who are. :)

@Orsolya: You are right about my last topic. I should narrow it down to the last decade, I wasn’t thinking about that at all. Thanks for the great advice :)

Alexander Bey hat gesagt…

I love traveling the Balkans and I'm really interested in what's going on there. Personally, I'm reading a lot about politics on the Balkans and I'd be glad to read some more – maybe from you. I think the EU is playing a very important role there, even for non-EU-members like BiH, where there are a lot of projects financed by the EU. Especially in Kosovo the European Union is omnipresent. Funny thing I noticed when I was in Albania last year was that the EU flag is often standing right beside the national flag – though Albania isn't a member state.

The topic about Iceland is also really cool! I didn't know anything about that, actually. Very original.

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