
Dienstag, 6. November 2012

America’s choice

Today is D-Day for America, it is Election Day! Today, millions of American citizen get to vote, either for Mitt Romney or for Barack Obama. They are choosing the future direction of their country.

Even though I am really interested in politics, it was not my intention to blog about this year’s election. I saw that a lot of my colleagues blogged about it so I didn’t want to bore you out of your mind with it too. But while browsing through the I came across a great article and felt the need to share my view on the election with you, the world.

The article was written by Joseph E. Stiglitz. Joseph Stiglitz, a winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics and a former chief economist of the World Bank, is University Professor at Columbia University. I am going to relate to his article in this post but won’t stick to everything he said so if you are interested in the whole article check it out:
Let me start with a quote from Mr. Stiglitz that probably describes this election the best: “This election has rightly been characterized as one that will deeply affect the future direction of the country: Americans are being given a choice with potentially large consequences. One arena in which there are profound differences that has not been adequately debated is the future course of inequality.”  

Inequality has grown into a really big problem the USA has to deal with. Don’t get me wrong, inequality can be found everywhere around the world but lately it is maybe best shown in America due to the election and Mitt Romney, the republican candidate.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan (his candidate for vice president) were very explicit when it comes to inequality, in their opinion it should be talked about only behind closed doors. In the public they are trying to portray themselves as compassionate conservatives, a duo that cares for the well-being of every single citizen in their country when in reality it could not be further from the truth. What they want to do is maybe best shown in Ryan’s budget numbers. His budget proposal cuts down the programs that serve those at the bottom and enriches those at the top. Basically, the poor will become poorer and the rich richer. Another example of how Romney & Ryan are “promoting” inequality is the health care program and education. Every advanced European country has recognized the right of everyone to access health care and that was also central to President Obama’s health care reform. Instead of supporting the health care system, from which millions of Americans will benefit, Romney & Ryan criticized it without presenting the public their idea of how the health care system should look like. What we can read between the lines is that, in their opinion, health care should only be for the rich ones, just like college. I don’t even want to start with Romney’s speech where he said that those who don’t have enough money shouldn’t go to college that college should only be for the rich Americans. Does this guy know what that would mean for the American economy and its people?

Over time America has become the country with the least equality of opportunity. What happened to the American dream?  The top 1% takes in about a fifth of the income, and controls more than a third of the wealth and the middle class is falling behind. Recession has made this whole process even worse; the wealth of a typical household is back to where it was in the 1990s. With his campaign Mitt Romney isn’t doing anything else but ruining the middle class. Many of the rich, like Romney himself, are avoiding taxes because of numerous loopholes that favor the rich, such as avoiding paying taxes by putting the money on various off-shore bank accounts around the world in for example Switzerland or on the Cayman Islands. Were the rich paying a fair share, would not only the middle class benefit from it but also the deficit of the USA would be smaller and the economy would grow.

I could go on about Romney and his “brilliant” ideas on how to govern the country during the next 4 years but then I would never end this post. His stance on abortion and women rights and his statements during the Europe tour are, in my opinion, just too much to handle for a normal person. What kind of idiot do you have to be to walk out of a building in London during the Olympic Games and state to the press that you just had a secret meeting with the MI6 chief!?

Let me just move onto Obama because talking about Romney doesn’t make sense anymore. Barack Obama may not have done as much as he should but we have to take in consideration the time he got elected and the inheritance of George W. Bush. He might have even underestimated the problems America was dealing with. When Obama became president of the USA it was the year 2009, the USA as well as the rest of the world, were dealing with the global economic crises (and still are) and that didn’t leave to much space for dealing with other problems. But with time passing by he got better and better in what he was doing. We must mention some of his achievements during these four years such as the Obama health care system, the withdrawal of American soldiers from Iraq, the fight against terrorism (locating and killing Osama bin Laden), and his education policies. Honestly said he could have done far more, had he not faced such strong opposition in Congress. But I personally think that he will be able to do more if he wins this election which I am strongly cheering for. Now the burden of re-electing will be taken of his back and he will be able to dedicate himself more to the economic growth and the well-being of all Americans. And at the end of the day he is not perfect, no one is but he did far more than his predecessors and he deserves another chance to show the world what he is really capable of. YES WE CAN and GOBAMA J 

Now America, it is all up to you but remember your choice affects not only you but the rest of the world too. So who will you vote for?

                                                       Presidents are people too :)

P.S. Last week I was home and guess who visited Zagreb!? HILLARY CLINTON!! She was 20 meters away from me! I should have shouted “HILLARY!“ Maybe then we could have had a little chat on the election ;) I missed my chance, hopefully I will get another one :D 

                                         Hillary Clinton and the Croatian President Ivo Josipović

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."  Dr. Seuss

Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2012

A new beginning :)

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog :)

As you may know (if you have read the short info on the left) my name is Anita and I am 18 years old. I am a freshman in college and am currently (well, at least for the next three years) living in Graz. I am studying transcultural communications with the languages Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian, German and English. My hometown is the capital of Croatia, Zagreb. I love to hang out with my family & friends, travel, go shopping, read books, watch movies and so on. You will find out more about me if you are willing to stick with me and my blogging till the very end. :D

Lets get this thing started then!
My blog is part of my English class, which means that I will get graded based on it. Sometimes my post theme will be given to me by my teacher (like todays one) and sometimes I will be able to blog about whatever I want. I will try to keep the blog as interesting as possible. Here you will find posts about family & friends, traveling, fashion, music, books and everything else that I have lately been into. My posts will also include pictures and music videos so it wont get boring, I promise. Another thing that I hold dear to my heart is quotes, which means that every post will be ending with a quote that you will hopefully like and be able to relate to. 
Our first task was to check out one of the following links and write a blog post about our experience.

I checked them all out and had a really hard time deciding on which to blog because I liked all three of them. Every single one offers a unique and fun way of improving your English. After changing my mind a couple of times I settled on the page.

What is the page about you must be asking yourself now. Here comes the answer: Lyrics Training is a website utilizing imbedded YouTube music videos of popular songs to provide language learners with a new way to practice their language skills. Language learners can choose from 6 different languages (English, German, Italian, Spanish, French and Dutch) and three levels of difficulty (easy, medium and hard). I will take you now step by step through the whole process of choosing a song.

1. When opening the page you will see videos dived into three categories: Try it!, Recently Played and Most Played (Today). You can either choose a video from right there if you like one or you can type into the "search box" on the top of the page the name of the song you want to listen to. 

2. After writing the name of the song you will get offered the videos that can be found under that name so you can choose the one that you want. When you find the one you were looking for simply click on it.

3. The video will open and offer you to choose which difficulty level you would like to play on.

4. After choosing your difficulty level (in this case the level was medium) the video will start playing and the lyrics will be displaying underneath it. As the video plays, you are expected to complete the missing lyrics. The video will not continue until the missing word is filled in

That is all, simple as that! It is really easy and fun to work with. This simple tutorial was made just as an example (showing only the difficulty level option) but of course the page offers more features on the videos (such as sharing it on various social networks), so please feel free to check them all out if you have the time! Just play around with it. Plus, you can always register on the webpage and unlock new stuff!
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write them down, it would make me very happy!  :)
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing." George Bernard Shaw